Соціальна структура єврейського населення Російської імперії в кінці ХІХ століття


  • Olexander Bezarov БДМУ,



Ключові слова:

єврейська етногрупа, соціальна структура, модернізація, урбанізація, ідентичність, смуга осілості, Російська імперія


У статті проаналізовано соціальна структура єврейського населення в кінці ХІХ століття. Зроблено висновки про те, що структура розселення російських євреїв багато в чому визначалася правовими обмеженнями, але асиміляційного, демографічний і міграційний тиск, яке відчувала на собі, головним чином, містечкова маса єврейства, стало наслідком загального процесу урбанізації, що призвело до її подальшого
зубожіння і до посилення еміграційного потоку серед російських євреїв.


Kappeler A. Rossia – mnogonatsіonal’naia imperia. Istoria, vozniknovenie, raspad [Russia – Multinational Empire. History, Appearance, Decay], Per. s nem. S. Chervonnaia, M., Progress˗Traditsyia, 2000, P. 224 (in Ukrainian).

Brutskus B. D. Professionalniy sostav evreiskogo naselenia Rossii [Professional composition of the Jewish population of Russia], SPb., 1908. 62 р.; Statistika evreiskogo naselenyia: Raspredelenie po territorii, demograficheskie i kul’turnye priznaki evreiskogo naselenia po dannym perepisi naselenia 1897 g. [Statistics of the Jewish population: distribution of territory, demographic and cultural characteristics of the Jewish population according to the population census of 1897], Sost. B. D. Brutskus, Vуp. III. SPb, 1909, 80 р. (in Russian).

Subbotin A. P. V cherte evreiskoy osedlosti: Otryvki iz еkonomycheskikh issledovanyi v zapadnoy i yugo-zapadnoiy Rossii v leto 1887 gg., Vyp. I, Minsk, Vyl’na, Kovna i ih raiony [In the Pale of Settlement: Excerpts from the economic research in the western and southwestern Russia in the summer of 1887, no. I. Minsk, Vil’na, Kovno and their areas], SPb., 1888. 148 р.; Subbotin A. P. Nastoiashchee polozhenie evreiskogo voprosa [This provision of the Jewish question], Varshava, Pravda, 1906, 16 р. (in Russian).

Polishchuk M. Evrei Odessу i Novorossii. Sotsial’no-politicheskaia istoria evreev Odessy i drugikh gorodov Novorossii 1881-1904 gg. [The Jews of Odessa and New Russia. The socio-political history of the Jews of Odessa and other cities of New Russia in 1881-1904], Nauchniy redaktor A. Lokshin. Ierusalim: Gesharim, M., Mosty kul’tury, 2002, 446 p. (in Russian).

Shtampfer Sh. «Evrei v tsarskoiy Rossii v kontse ХIХ v., demograficheskie aspekty» [Jews in Tsarist Russia in the late nineteenth century: demographic aspects], Per. s ivrit Yu. Snopova, Istoryia evreiskogo naroda v Rossii. Ot razdelov Polshy do padenyia Rossyiskoiy imperii [The history of the Jewish people in Russia. From partitions of Poland until the fall of the Russian Empire], Pod red. Y. Lurie. Vol. 2, M., Mosty kul’tury, Gesharim, 2012, P. 265-285 (in Russian).

Shtampfer Sh., On. cit., P. 273.

Subbotin A. P. Nastoiashchee polozhenie evreiskogo voprosa [This provision of the Jewish question], Varshava, Pravda. 1906, P. 15 (in Russian).

Dizhur Y. M. “Evrei v ekonomycheskoiy zhizni v Rossii” [Jews in economic life in Russia], Kniga o russkom evreistve: ot 1860-kh godov do revoliutsii 1917 g. [Book of Russian Jewry: from 1860 to 1917 revolution], Ierusalim, «Gesharim». M., RPO «Mosty kul’tury». Mn.: OOO «MET», 2002, P. 167 (in Russian).

Brutskus B. D. Statistika evreiskogo naselenia: Raspredelenie po territorii, demograficheskie i kul’turnye priznaki evreiskogo naselenia po dannym perepisi naselenia 1897 g. [Statistics of the Jewish population: distribution of territory, demographic and cultural characteristics of the Jewish population according to the population census of 1897], Vуp. III. SPb., 1909, P. 46 (in Russian).

Kamenskiy A. Ekaterina Velikaia i evrei [Catherine the Great and Jews], Vestnik evreiskogo universiteta. Istoria. Kul’tura. Tsivilizatsyia [Bulletin of the Hebrew University. History. Culture. Civilization], M., Mosty kul’tury, Ierusalim, Gesharim, 2006, N. 11 (29), P. 34-35 (in Russian).

Tsyppershtein S. Evrei Odessy. Istoria kul’tury, 1794-1881 [The Jews of Odessa. History of Culture, 1794-1881], Per. s angl. A. Lokshina. M., Ierusalim, Gesharim, 1995, P. 25 (in Russian).

Kappeler A. Rossia – mnogonatsіonal’naia imperia. Istoria, vozniknovenie, raspad [Russia – Multinational Empire. History, Appearance, Decay], Per. s nem. S. Chervonnaia. M., Progress-Traditsyia, 2000, Р. 213 (in Russian).

Nathans B. Za chertoiy: Evrei vstrechaiutsia s pozdneimperskoiy Rossiey [Beyond The Pale. The Jewish Encounter with Late Imperial Russia], Per. s angl. M., ROSSPEN, 2007, Р. 123 (in Russian).

Brutskus B. D. Professionalniy sostav evreiskogo naselenia Rossii [Professional composition of the Jewish population of Russia], SPb., 1908, P. 11 (in Russian).

Subbotin A. P. Nastoiashchee polozhenie evreiskogo voprosa [This provision of the Jewish question], Varshava, Pravda, 1906, P. 8 (in Russian).

. Subbotin A. P. Nastoiashchee polozhenie evreiskogo voprosa [This provision of the Jewish question], Varshava, Pravda, 1906, P. 8 (in Russian).

Statistika evreiskogo naselenia, Op. cit., P. 62.

Kappeler A., Op.cit., Р. 298.

Brutskus B. D. Professionalniy sostav evreiskogo naselenia Rossii [Professional composition of the Jewish population of Russia], SPb., 1908. P. 12 (in Russian).

Ginzburg A. M. Rossia [Russia] Evreiskaia entsiklopedia. Svod znaniy o evreistve i ego kul’ture v proshlom i nastoiashchem [The Jewish Encyclopedia. Body of knowledge about Judaism and its culture, past and present], Pod obshchei red. A. Harkavy i L. Katsnelsona. SPb., Izdanie Obshchestva dlia nauchnykh evreiskikh izdaniy i Izdatelstva Brokgauz-Efron, Vol. 13, P. 661-662 (in Russian).

Leshchinskiy Ya. Evreiskoe naselenie Rossii i evreiskiy trud [The Jewish population of Russia, and the Jewish labor]. Kniga o russkom evreistve: ot 1860-kh godov do revoliutsii 1917 g. [Book of Russian Jewry: from 1860 to 1917 revolution], Ierusalim, «Gesharim». M., RPO «Mosty kul’tury». Mn., OOO «MET», 2002, P. 204 (in Russian).

Statistika evreiskogo naselenyia, Op. cit., P. 3-4 (in Russian).

Statistika evreiskogo naselenyia, Op. cit., P. 5-9 (in Russian).

Subbotin A. P. V cherte evreiskoiy osedlosti: Otryvki iz еkonomycheskikh issledovaniy v zapadnoiy i yugo-zapadnoiy Rossii v leto 1887 gg., Vyp. I, Minsk, Vil’na, Kovna i ih raiony [In the Pale of Settlement: Excerpts from the economic research in the western and south-western Russia in the summer of 1887, no. I. Minsk, Vilna, Kovno and their areas], SPb., 1888, P. 9 (in Russian).

Subbotin A. P., Op. cit., P. 81.

Bartal’ Y. Nasledie i bunt: Literatura na ivrite v Rossiyskoiy imperii [Heritage and rebellion: Hebrew literature in the Russian Empire], Per. s ivrita Yu. Snopova. Istoria evreiskogo naroda v Rossii. Ot razdelov Polshy do padenia Rossyiskoiy imperii [The history of the Jewish people in Russia. From partitions of Poland until the fall of the Russian Empire], Pod red. Y. Lurie, Vol. 2, M., Mosty kul’tury, Gesharim, 2012, P. 468 (in Russian).

Polishchuk M., Op. cit., P. 80-87.

Nathans B. Za chertoi: Evrey vstrechaiutsia s pozdneymperskoi Rossyei [Beyond The Pale. The Jewish Encounter with Late Imperial Russia], Per. s angl. M., ROSSPEN, 2007, 463 p. (in Russian).

Brutskus B. D., Op. cit., P. 9.

Friz Sh. R. Evreiskaia sem’ia v Rossii [Jewish family in Russia], Per. s angl. M. Kaspinoiy. Istoria evreiskogo naroda v Rossii. Ot razdelov Polshy do padenia Rossyiskoiy imperii [The history of the Jewish people in Russia. From partitions of Poland until the fall of the Russian Empire], Pod red. Y. Lurie, Vol. 2, M., Mosty kul’tury, Gesharim, 2012, P. 246 (in Russian).

Brutskus B. D., Op. cit., P. 37.

Brutskus B. D., Op. cit., P. 49-54.

Kal’mina L. V., Kuras L. V. Evreiskaia obshchina v Zapadnom Zabaikal’e (60 -e gody ХIХ veka ˗ fevral 1917 goda) [The Jewish community in the Western Transbaikalia (the 60s of XIX century ˗ February 1917)], Ulan-Ude, Izd-vo BNTs SO RAN, 1999, P. 42-57 (in Russian).

Viktorin V. “«Gorskie» («tatoiazychnye») idishisty na Severnom i Vostochnom Kavkaze i ikh izuchenie vo vzaimosviazi s drugimy «odnoiazychno-inokonfessionalnymi» etnogruppami” ["The Mountain" ("tatoyazychnye") Judaism in the North East and the Caucasus, and to study them in conjunction with other "monolingual-inokonfessionalnymi" ethnic groups], Materialy Deviatoiy Ezhegodnoiy Mezhdunarodnoiy Mezhdistsiplinarnoiy konferentsii po iyudaike. Ch. I [Proceedings of the Ninth Annual International Interdisciplinary Conference on Jewish Studies. Part I.], M., Probel-2000, 2003, P. 203-215 (in Russian).

Brutskus B. D., Op. cit., P. 37.

Levin Z. Evrei Bukhary pod vlast’iu Rossii v 1864-1917 gg. [The Jews of Bukhara under Russian rule in 1864-1917], Per. s ivrita Yu. Tulaikovoiy. Istoryia evreiskogo naroda v Rossii. Ot razdelov Polshy do padenyia Rossyiskoiy imperii [The history of the Jewish people in Russia. From

partitions of Poland until the fall of the Russian Empire], Pod red. Y. Lurie. Vol. 2, M., Mosty kultury, Gesharim, 2012, P. 224-237 (in Russian).

Brutskus B. D. Professionalniy sostav evreiskogo naselenia Rossii [Professional composition of the Jewish population of Russia], SPb., 1908, P. 45-46 (in Russian).

Brutskus B. D. Professionalniy sostav evreiskogo naselenia Rossii [Professional composition of the Jewish population of Russia], SPb., 1908, P. 47 (in Russian).

Hammal M. Karaimy v Rossyiskoiy imperii [Karaites in the Russian Empire], Istoryia evreiskogo naroda v Rossii. Ot razdelov Polshy do padenyia Rossyiskoiy imperii [The history of the Jewish people in Russia. From partitions of Poland until the fall of the Russian Empire], Pod red. Y. Lurie, Vol. 2, Moscow, Mosty kultury, Gesharim, 2012, P. 209-223 (in Russian).

Brutskus B. D., Op. cit, P. 27.

Statistika evreiskogo naselenyia, Op.cit. P. 41.

Statistika evreiskogo naselenyia, Op.cit. P. 29.

Statistika evreiskogo naselenyia, Op.cit. P. 41.

Tudorianu N. L. Ocherki rossiyskoiy trudovoiy emigratsii perioda imperializma (v Germanyiu, Skandynavskie straniy i SShA) [Es says on the Russian labor emigration imperialism period (in Germany, the Scandinavian countries and the United States)], Otvet. red. E. M. Shchagin. Kyshyniov: Shtyyntsa, 1986, P. 30-31 (in Russian).

Statistika evreiskogo naselenia, Op. cit. P., 62.

Shtampfer Sh. Evrei v tsarskoiy Rossii v kontse ХIХ v., demograficheskie aspekty [Jews in Tsarist Russia in the late nineteenth century: demographic aspects], Per. s ivrit Yu. Snopova. Istoria evreiskogo naroda v Rossii. Ot razdelov Polshy do padenia Rossyiskoiy imperii [The history of the Jewish people in Russia. From partitions of Poland until the fall of the Russian Empire], Pod red. Y. Lurie. Vol. 2, M., Mosty kul’tury, Gesharim, 2012, P. 281 (in Russian).

Polishchuk M., Op. cit., P. 65-67.

Shtampfer Sh., Op. cit., P. 281-284.


