Використання вторинних назв у комунікативних ситуаціях медичного дискурсу (на основі анкетування медичних працівників)


  • Лариса Шутак Буковинський державний медичний університет, Україна
  • Галина Навчук Буковинський державний медичний університет, Україна



Ключові слова:

вторинна номінація; вторинні назви; медичний дискурс; анкетування медичних працівників


The purpose of the article is to investigate the reasons and ways of creating secondary nominations in modern Ukrainian medical discourse, to find out the features of the use and purpose of such names in different communicative situations. In the article descriptive, comparative and statistical research methods are used. The frequency of use of secondary names, namely unofficial substitutes for medical terms, in the communicative situation doctor – doctor was investigated by the method of questionnaires of medical workers. In the scientific work the circle of specialists is described who use secondary definitions as a informal substitutes for medical terms in a communicative situation doctor – doctor. The most common secondary names used in the situation of doctors – patients are analyzed. Conclusions. Recent studies by both foreign and domestic linguists prove that the secondary lexical nomination is the result of the natural development of language due to the cognitive and cognitive-communicative needs of human being in socio-historical practice. The emergence of new names leads to a concentration of new information in the verbal sign. Secondary names as an euphemisms for official medical terms are named and their mitigating and correct purpose is noted


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Karpilovska Ye. A. Nova Ukraina u slovotvirnii nominatsii: zminy u movnomu “kreslenni” svitu [New Ukraine in the word-forming nomination: changes in the linguistic “drawing” of the world], Vidobrazhennia istorii ta kultury narodu v slovotvorenni: Dopovidi XII Mizhnarodnoi konferentsii [Reflection of the history and culture of the people in word formation: Reports of the XII International Conference], Kyiv, 2010, P. 91 [in Ukrainian].

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