Історичні аспекти пошуків інтегральної інформації про «здоров’я населення»


  • Volodymyr Tarallo БДМУ,
  • Mariya Vatsyk БДМУ,



Ключові слова:

історія, інтегральна інформація, показники, здоров'я населення, тривалість життя


Мета дослідження. Описати шляхи пошуку інтегральної інформації про здоров'я населення і отримати результати на стик ХХ-ХХІ століть. Специфіка теми визначила методи досліджень: системний підхід до аналізу та систематизації інформації, отриманої з наукових і навчально-методичних літературних джерел. Наукова новизна. Вперше дана коротка історія пошуку інтегральної інформації про здоров'я і, зокрема, здоров'я населення в динаміці. Висновки. Представлений пошук закономірностей зв'язку базових складових «здоров'я» і «здоров'я населення» вченими різних спеціальностей. Розшифровка їх забезпечила рішення всього ланцюжка основних питань управління ними.


1. Sluchanko Y. S., Tserkovnуy H. F. Statystycheskaya ynformatsyya v upravlenyy uchrezhdenyyamy zdravookhranenyya [Statistical infor-mation in the departments of health care institutions], M., Medytsyna, 1976, Yzd. 2, M, Medytsyna, 1983, Р. 192 (in Russian).

2. Vynohradova V. N. Rukovodstvo po sotsyal'noy hyhyene y orhanyzatsyy zdravookhranenyya [Guidance on social hygiene and health organization], Yzd. 3-e, M., Medytsyna, 1974, t.1-2 (in Russian).

3. Serenko A. F. Sotsyal'naya hyhyena y orhanyzatsyya zdravookhranenyya [Social hygiene and health care organization], M., Medytsyna, 1977, Yzd. 2, M., Medytsyna, 1984, 639 р. (in Russian).

4. Merkov A. M., Polyakov L.E. Sanytarnaya statystyka: Posobye dlya vrachey [Sanitary statistics: A manual for doctors], L., Medytsyna, 278 р. (in Russian).

5. Novhorodtsev H. A., Demchenkova H. Z., Polonskyy M. L. Dyspanseryzatsyya naselenyya v SSSR [Clinical examination of the population in the USSR], M., Medytsyna, 1984 (in Russian).

6. Hnatyshyn N. S., Protsek E. H., Lysytsyn Yu. P. Uskorennaya otsenka fyzycheskoho razvytyya devushek-podrostkov: Metodycheskye rekomendatsyy [Accelerated evaluation of the physical development of adolescent girls: Methodological recommendations],Vynnytsa, 1991, Rukovodstvo po sotsyal'noy hyhyene y orhanyzatsyy zdravookhranenyya [Guidance on social hygiene and public health], M., Medytsyna, 1987, Vol.1, Р. 278 (in Russian).

7. Dostojnyj trud dlya domashnych rabotnykov. Doklad IV (2), Mezhdunarodnaya konferencyya truda, 99 sessyya, 2010 [Decent work of domestic workers. Issue International Labor Conference, 99 session, 2010 y.], URL:http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/@ed_norm/@relconf/documents/meetingdocument/wcms_124843.pdf (in Russian).

8. Sluchanko Y. S., Tserkovnуy H. F. Statystycheskaya ynformatsyya v upravlenyy uchrezhdenyyamy zdravookhranenyya [Statistical infor-mation in the departments of health care institutions], M., Medytsyna, 1976, Yzd. 2, M., Medytsyna, 1983, Р. 192;Stonohyna V.P., Fedorova E.H. Statystyka ynvalydnosty [Disability statistics], M., TsOLYUv, 1983, 36 р. (in Russian).

9. Vykherta A. M., Chaklyna A. V. Еpydemyolohyya neynfektsyonnуkh zabolevanyy [Epidemiology of noncommunicable diseases], M., Medytsyna, 1990, Р. 272 (in Russian).

10. Shyhan E. N. Metodу prohnozyrovanyya y modelyrovanyya v sotsyal'no-hyhyenycheskykh ysledovanyyakh [Methods of forecasting and modeling in social and hygienic research], M., Medytsyna, 1986, Р.159–170, 170–182 (in Russian).

11. Hrytsyute L. A., Yanуsheva N. Ya., Kyreeva Y. S. «Monytorynh khymycheskykh kantserohenov v okruzhayushchey cheloveka srede» [Monitoring of chemical carcinogens in the environment surrounding humans], Ekolohyya y rak [Ecology and cancer], K., 1985, Р.168–197 (in Russian).

12. Testemytsanu N. A. Ratsyonal'noe razmeshchenye medytsynskykh uchrezhdenyy v Moldavskoy SSR na perspektyvu [Rational placement of medical institutions in the Moldavian SSR in the long run], Pod red. Y.F. Prysakarya, Kyshynev: Shtyyntsa, 1983 (in Russian).

13. Ado A. D., Tsarehorodtsev H. Y. Bor'ba materyalyzma y ydealyzma v uchenyy o zdorov'e y bolezny cheloveka [The struggle of materialism and idealism in the doctrine of human health and disease], M., Medytsyna, 1970, Р. 28–29, 100 (in Russian).

14. Sluchanko Y. S., Tserkovnуy H. F. Statystycheskaya ynformatsyya v upravlenyy uchrezhdenyyamy zdravookhranenyya [Statistical information in the departments of health care institutions], M., Medytsyna, 1976, Yzd. 2, M., Medytsyna, 1983, Р. 104 (in Russian).

15. Merkov A. M. «K metodyke yzuchenyya zabolevaemosty naselenyya y еffektyvnosty ozdorovytel'noy rabotу» [To the method of studying the morbidity of the population and the effectiveness of the health-improving work], Hyhyena y sanytaryya [Hygiene and sanitation], 1937, N. 12, Р. 17–23 (in Russian).

16. Korchak-Chepurkovskyy Yu. D. Yzbrannуe demohrafycheskye yssledovanyya [Selected demographic studies], M., Statystyka, 1970 (in Russian).

17. Kanep V. V. «K voprosu o kompleksnoy otsenke pokazateley v systeme zdravookhranenyya» [On the issue of integrated assessment of indicators in the health system], Sov.zdravookhranenye [Soviet health care],1972, N. 9, Р. 20 (in Russian).

18. Paryn V. V., Baevskyy R. M., Volkov Yu. N. Kosmycheskaya kardyolohyya [Cosmic Cardiology], L, Medytsyna, 1967 (in Russian).

19. Polyakov L. E., Malynskyy D. M. «Metod kompleksnoy veroyatnostnoy otsenky sostoyanyya zdorov'ya naselenyya» [Method of complex probabilistic estimation of the state of health of the population], Sov.zdravookhranenye [Soviet health care], 1971, N. 3, Р. 10 (in Russian).

20. Kanep V. V., Sehlenyetse K. B., Laudyn' Ya. H. «Metodolohycheskye podkhody k vуyavlenyyu korrelyatsyy sotsyal'no-hyhyenycheskykh faktorov y pokazateley zdorov'ya» [Methodological approaches to revealing the correlation of social and hygienic factors and indicators of health], Sotsyal'nуe, hyhyenycheskye y orhanyzatsyonnуe aspektу okhranу zdorov'ya naselenyya [Social, hygienic and organizational aspects of public health], Ryha, 1981, Р. 36–40 (in Russian).

21. Shyhan E. N. Systemnуy analyz v zdravookhranenyy [System analysis in health care], M., TsOLYUv, 1982, Р. 16, 63 (in Russian).

22. Doll R., Hill A. B. Lung cancer and others causes of death in relation to smoking, British Medikal Journal, 1956, N. 2, P. 1211–1215 (in Russian).

23. Haenszel W., Loveland D. B., Sirken M. G. Lung cancer mortality as related to residence and smoking histories, journal of National Cancer Institute, 1962, Vol. 28, N. 4, P. 926–930.

24. Stonohyna V. P. Opredelenye faktorov ryska v еpydemyolohycheskykh yssledovanyyakh: Lektsyya [Identification of risk factors in epidemiological studies: Lecture], M., TsOLYUv, 1980, 46 р.

25. Novhorodtsev H. A., Demchenkova H. Z., Polonskyy M. L. Dyspanseryzatsyya naselenyya v SSSR [Clinical examination of the population in the USSR], M., Medytsyna, 1984.

26. Ovcharov V. K. Marchenko A. H., Semenov V. Yu. «Perspektyvу yspol'zovanyya metoda dyahnostychesky-svyazannуkh klynyko-statystychnуkh hrupp v sovetskom zdravookhranenyy» [Prospects for using the method of diagnostic-related clinical and statistical groups in Soviet health care], Sov.zdravookhranenye [Healthcare], 1990, N. 11, Р. 3–7 (in Russian).

27. Ayzenberh S. H., Faynshmydt A. B. «Popуtka kolychestvennoho podkhoda y dyfferentsyal'noy dyahnostyky raka hortany» [Attempt of a quantitative approach and differential diagnosis of laryngeal cancer], Materyalу mezhoblastnoy konferentsyy otolarynholohov Sybyry [Materials of interregional conference of otolaryngologists of Siberia], M., 1970, Р.54–60 (in Russian).

28. Birkett N. J. Evalution of diagnostic test with multiple diagnostic categories. J. clin. Epidemiol, 1988, N. 5, P. 491–494.

29. Merkov A. M., Polyakov L. E. Sanytarnaya statystyka: Posobye dlya vrachey [Sanitary statistics: A manual for doctors], L., Medytsyna, 278 р.

30. Borokhov D. Z., Petrov P. P., Kul'makhanov A. K. «Metodycheskye pryemу otsenky vlyyanyya zahryaznenyya okruzhayushchey sredу na zabolevaemost' naselenyya» [Methodical methods of assessing the impact of environmental pollution on the incidence of the population], Sov.zdravookhranenye [Healthcare], 1990, N. 5, Р. 23–27 (in Russian).

31. Apanasenko H. L. Naumenko R. H., Sokolovskaya H. N. «Ob otsenke sostoyanyya zdorov'ya cheloveka» [On assessing the state of human health], Vrachebnoe delo [Medical work], 1988, N. 5, 112–114 (in Russian).

32. Kanep V .V. «K voprosu o kompleksnoy otsenke pokazateley v systeme zdravookhranenyya» [On the issue of integrated assessment of indicators in the health system], Sov.zdravookhranenye [Soviet health care],1972, N. 9, Р. 20 (in Russian).

33. Polyakov L. E., Malynskyy D. M. «Metodyka podhotovky y reshenyya na еlektronno-vуchyslytel'nуkh mashynakh zadach po kompleksnoy otsenke nekotorуkh hrupp naselenyya» [Methodology of preparation and decision on computer-based computers of tasks on complex estimation of some groups of the population], Voproу sanytarnoy y medytsynskoy statystyky [Questions of sanitary and medical statistics], M., Statystyka, 1971, Р. 74 (in Russian).

34. Myntser O. P., Ermakova Y. Y., Lyabakh E. H. «Zdorov'e yndyvyda y populyatsyy: opredelenye y podkhodу k otsenke» [Individual and population health: the definition and approaches to evaluation], Kybernetyka y systemnуy analyz [Cybernetics and system analysis], 1992, N. 6. Р. 175–179 (in Ukrainian).

35. Maksymova T. M. «Subуektyvnуe otsenky zdorov'ya v sotsyal'no-hyhyenycheskykh yssledovanyyakh zdorov'ya naselenyya» [Subjective assessments of health in socio-hygienic studies of public health], Sov.zdravookhranenye [Healthcare], 1991, N. 10, Р. 43–46 (in Russian).

36. Dunbar F. Psychiatry in the medical specialities. New York, Toronto-London, 1959, 179 р. (in Russian).

37. Voytenko V. P. Faktorу smertnosty y prodolzhytel'nost' zhyzny [Mortality and life expectancy], K., Zdorovya, 1987, 148 р.(in Russian).

38. «Prohrammу analyza tendentsyy y urovney smertnosty» [Programs for analyzing trends and mortality rates], Seryya tekhnycheskykh dokladov VOZ [A series of technical reports of the WHO], Zheneva, VOZ, 1972, N. 440, Р. 15 (in Russian).

39. Voytsekhovych B. A. «Mesto pokazatelya smertnosty v skheme yzuchenyya zdorov'ya naselenyya» [The place of mortality in the scheme of studying the health of the population], Sotsyal'nуe, hyhyenycheskye y orhanyzatsyonnуe aspektу okhranу zdorov'ya naselenyya [Social, hygienic and organizational aspects of public health protection], Ryha, 1981, Р. 50–51 (in Russian).

40. Khodanovskyy V. H. Upravlenye zdravookhranenyem sel'skoho rayona [Rural health management], K., Zdorovya, 1984, 64 р. (in Russian).

41. Venetskyy Y. H. Veroyatnostnуe metodу v demohrafyy [Psychiatry in the medical specialities], M., Fynansу y statystyka [Finance and Statistics], 1981, Р. 107, 223 р. (in Rusian).

42. Holyachenko O. Sotsial'na medytsyna ta orhanizatsiya okhorony zdorovya [Social medicine and the organisation of health care], K., PP Vihay, 1993, Ch.I., Р. 29–30, 49, Ch.II, Р. 37– 43 (in Russian).

43. Batkys H. A., Lekarev L. H. Sotsyal'naya hyhyena y orhanyzatsyya zdravookhranenyya [Social hygiene and the organization of public health services], M., Medytsyna, 1969, 254 р. (in Russian).

44. Havrylov L. A., Semenova V. H., Havrylova N.S. «Metodу analyza tablyts smertnosty» [Methods for analyzing mortality tables], Demohrafyya: problemу y perspektyvу. Metodу yssledovanyya [Demography: problems and perspectives. Methods of research], M., Mуsl', 1986, Р. 96–110 (in Russian).

45. Voytenko V. P., Polyukhov A. M. Systemnуe mekhanyzmу razvytyya y starenaya [Systemic mechanisms of development and aging], L., Nauka, 1986, 184 р. (in Russian).

46. Ermakov S. P. Demohrafycheskye modely protsessov vosproyzvodstva zdorov'ya naselenyya [Demographic models of the processes of reproduction of public health], Demohrafyya: problemу y perspektyvу. Metodу yssledovanyya, M., Mуsl', 1986, Р. 96–110, 133–150 (in Russian).

47. Klement'ev A. A. Razrabotka kolychestvennуkh modeley dlya reshenyya zadach upravlenyya v zdravookhranenyy [Development of quantitative models for solving health management problems], M., Nauka, 1985, 128 р. (in Russian).

48. Yl'yn B. N. O ponyatyy “zdorov'e” cheloveka [On the concept of "health" rights], Vestnyk AMN SSSR [Bulletin of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR], 1988, N. 4, Р. 15–18 (in Russian).

49. Yl'yn B. N. O ponyatyy “zdorov'e” cheloveka [On the concept of "health" rights], Vestnyk AMN SSSR [Bulletin of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR], 1988, N. 4, Р. 15–18 (in Russian).

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50. Dyl'man V. M. Pochemu nastupaet smert' [Why death occurs], L., Medytsyna, 1978, 157 р. (in Russian).

51. Holyachenko O. Sotsial'na medytsyna ta orhanizatsiya okhorony zdorovya [Social medicine and the organisation of health care], K., PP Vihay, 1993, Ch.I., Р. 29 –30, 49, Ch.II, Р. 37– 43.

51. Anokhyn P. K. Teoryya funktsyonal'noy systemу [Theory of a functional system], Obshchye voprosу fyzyolohycheskykh mek-hanyzmov [General questions of physiological mechanisms], M., Nauka, 1970, Р. 6–43.

52. Danylov-Danyl'yan V. Y., Rуvkyn A. A. Modelyrovanye: systemno-metodolohycheskyy aspect [Modeling: system-methodological aspect], Systemnуe yssledovanyya [System studies], M., 1982, Р.182–209 (in Russian).

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54. Fleyvell Dzhon X. Henetycheskaya psykholohyya Zhana Pyazhe [Genetic psychology of Jean Piaget: English trans], M., Prosveshchenye, 1967, 342 р.

55. Krуmskyy S. B. O ponyatyyakh “systema” y “struktura” [On the concepts of "system" and "structure], Tselostnost' y byolohyya: Materyaly sympozyuma [Integrity and Biology: Proceedings of the symposium], Kyev, Naukova dumka, 1968, Р. 49–60 (in Russian).

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58. Yekh Tomas Dzh. Ob aksyome vуbora [On the axiom of choice], Spravochnaya knyha po matematycheskoy lohyke, Ch.II. Teoryya mnozhestv [Reference book on mathematical logic], M., Nauka, 1982. Р. 35–63 (in Russian).

59. Tarallo V. L. CLASSICS OF POPULATION HEALTH, Chernovtsy, BSMU, 2015, 736 p. (in Russian).


