Формування когнітивного термінознавства на тлі сучасних лінгвістичних досліджень


  • Larysa Shutak БДМУ,
  • Halyna Navchuk БДМУ,



Ключові слова:

структурна лінгвістика, структурно-функціональна лінгвістика, класичне термінознавство, когнітивне термінознавство, когнітивно-дискурсивні основи, термін, терміносистема


У статті зроблено огляд теоретико-практичних засад формування та розвитку термінознавства як науки, визначено особливості структурної лінгвістики, охарактеризовані причини переходу до структурно-функціональної лінгвістики у вивченні терміна. Обґрунтовано основні причини формування когнітивного термінознавства, пов'язаного з антропоцентрическим напрямком у розвитку лінгвістики. Доведено, що продовжуючи традиції класичного термінознавства, яке виникло і розвивалося в рамках структурної лінгвістики, що представляла сукупність наукових поглядів на мову як складну багаторівневу систему знаків, когнітивне термінознавство стає одночасно якісно новим, поліпарадігмальнім напрямком дослідження термінів і терміносистем, принципи і методи якого базуються на когнітивно - дискурсивної основі дослідження наукового (професійного) мови як засобу каганець і комунікації її носіїв.


1. Leychik V. M. «Kognitivnoe terminovedenie – pyatyi etap razvitiya terminovedeniya kak veduschey nauchnoy distsipliny rubezha XX – XXI vekov» [Cognitive science of terminology – the fifth period of development of terminology as a leading science of late 20th century and early 21st century], Kognitivnaya lingvistika: novye problemy poznaniy, M., Ryazan', 2007, P. 32 (in Russian).

2. Leychik V. M. «Kognitivnoe terminovedenie – pyatyi etap razvitiya terminovedeniya kak veduschey nauchnoy distsipliny rubezha XX – XXI vekov» [Cognitive science of terminology – the fifth period of development of terminology as a leading science of late 20th century and early 21st century], Kognitivnaya lingvistika: novye problemy poznaniy, M., Ryazan', 2007, P. 121-133 (in Russian).

3. Manerko L. A. Terminovedcheskaya nauka XX stoletiya. Gorizonty sovremennoy lingvistiki: Traditsii i novatorstvo: sb. v chest E.S. Kubriakovoy [The science of terminology of the 20th century. Prospects of modern linguistics: tradition and innovation: dedicated to E.S. Kubriakova], M., Yazyki slavyanskikh kultur, 2009, P. 641–650 (in Russian).

4. Kozlovskaya O. G. «Kognitivnyi podkhod k issledovaniyu termina kak instrumenta poznaniya» [Cognitive approach to the study of the term as a learning tool], Yazyk kak sredstvo kommunikatsii: teoriya, praktika, metodika prepodavaniya, M., Mosk. gos. un-t im. M. V. Lomonosova, 2007, P. 245–247 (in Russian).

5. Sossyur de F. Kurs obshey lingvistiki [Course in General Linguistics], Ekaterinburg, Izd-vo Ural. un-ta, 1999, P. 412 (in Russian).

6. Shaumyan S. K. Strukturnaya lingvistika [Structural linguistics], M., Nauka, 1965, Р. 9 (in Russian).

7. Zasorina L. N. Vvedenie v strukturnuyu lingvistiku [The introduction to structural linguistics], M., Vysshaya shkola, 1974, Р. 17 (in Russian).

8. Shaumyan S. K. Strukturnaya lingvistika [Structural linguistics], M., Nauka, 1965, Р. 24 (in Russian).

9. Teliya V. N. «Metafora kak model smysloproizvodstva i ee ekspressivno-otsenochnaya funktsiya» [Metaphor as a model of meaning formation and its expressive and evaluative functions], Metafora v yazyke i tekste, M., Nauka, 1988, P. 26–52 (in Russian).

10. Leychik V. M. «K obosnovaniyu kognitivnogo terminovedeniya» [Arguments on cognitive science of terminology], Materialy III Mezhdunar. nauch. konf. «Filologiya i kultura», Tambov, Tambov. gos. un-t, 2001, P. 27–29; Leychik V. M. «Kognitivnoe terminovedenie – pyatyi etap razvitiya terminovedeniya kak veduschey nauchnoy distsipliny rubezha XX – XXI vekov» [Cognitive science of terminology – the fifth period of development of terminology as a leading science of late 20th century and early 21st century], Kognitivnaya lingvistika: novye problemy poznaniy, M., Ryazan', 2007, P. 121–133 (in Russian).

11. Tatarinov V. A. Teoriya terminovedeniya: V 3 t. [Terminology theory], Vol. 1, Teoriya termina: Istoriya i sovremennoe terminovedenie, M., Moskovskiy litsey, 1996, 311 p. (in Russian).

12. Tatarinov V. A. Teoriya terminovedeniya: V 3 t. [Terminology theory], Vol. 1, Teoriya termina: Istoriya i sovremennoe terminovedenie, M., Moskovskiy litsey, 1996, P. 59 (in Russian).

13. Tatarinov V. A. Teoriya terminovedeniya: V 3 t. [Terminology theory], Vol. 1, Teoriya termina: Istoriya i sovremennoe terminovedenie, M., Moskovskiy litsey, 1996, P. 145 (in Russian).

14. Tatarinov V. A. Teoriya terminovedeniya: V 3 t. [Terminology theory], Vol. 1, Teoriya termina: Istoriya i sovremennoe terminovedenie, M., Moskovskiy litsey, 1996, P. 155 (in Russian).

Tatarinov V. A. Teoriya terminovedeniya: V 3 t. [Terminology theory], Vol. 1, Teoriya termina: Istoriya i sovremennoe terminovedenie, M., Moskovskiy litsey, 1996, P. 170 (in Russian).

16. Grinev S. V. «Semioticheskie aspekty terminovedeniya» [Semiotic aspects of the science of terminology], Terminovedenie, M., Moskovskiy litsey, 1997, N. 1–3, P. 11–13; Karaulov Yu. N. Aktivnaya grammatika i assotsiativno-verbalnaya set [Active grammar and associative verbal system], M., IRYa RAN, 1999, 180 p. (in Russian).

17. Alekseeva L. M. Derivatsyonnyy aspekt issledovaniya termina i protsessov terminoobrazovaniya [Derivational aspect of the research process and the formation of terms], Avtoref., Perm', PGU, 1990, 19 p.; Alekseeva L. M. Problemy termina I terminoobrazovaniya [The issues of terms and term formation], Perm', PGU, 1998, 120 p.; Alekseeva L. M. «Termin kak kategoriya obschego yazykoznaniya» [The term as a

category of General Linguistics], Russkiy filologicheskiy vestnik, M., Moskovskiy litsey, 1998, Vol. 83 (1-2), P. 33–44; Alekseeva L. M. Termin I metafora: semanticheskoe obosnovanie metaforizatsii [The term and the metaphor: semantic study of metaphor formation], Perm', PTU, 1998, 250 p. (in Russian).

18. Alekseeva L. M. «Termin kak kategoriya obschego yazykoznaniya» [The term as a category of General Linguistics], Russkiy filologicheskiy vestnik, M., Moskovskiy litsey, 1998, Vol. 83 (1-2), Р. 35 (in Russian).

19. Alekseeva L. M. Metaforicheskoe terminoporozhdenie i funktsii terminov v tekste [The metaphorization of terms and their functions in the text], Avtoref., M., RUDN, 1999, Р. 7 (in Russian).

20. Alekseeva L. M. «Termin kak kategoriya obschego yazykoznaniya» [The term as a category of General Linguistics], Russkiy filologicheskiy vestnik, M., Moskovskiy litsey, 1998, Vol. 83 (1-2), P. 33–4 (in Russian).

21. Alekseeva L. M. Termin i metafora: semanticheskoe obosnovanie metaforizatsii [The term and the metaphor: semantic study of metaphor formation], Perm', PTU, 1998, Р. 11 (in Russian).

22. Averbuh K. Ya. «Stratifikatsyia terminologii v aspekte sistemnykh predstavleniy» [Stratification of the terminology in the aspect of system views], Nauchno-tekhnicheskaya terminologiya: Nauchno-tekhnicheskiy referativnyi sbornik, M., Gosstandart Rossii, VNIIKI, 2001, N. 2, P. 6–8; Volodina M. N. Kognitivno-informatsionnaya priroda termina (na materiale terminologii sredstv massovoy informatsii [Cognitive features of terms (based on mass media terms], M., Izd-vo Mosk. gos. un-ta im. M. V. Lomonosova, 2000, 128 p.; Vorozhbitova A. A. Lingvoritoricheskaya paradigma: teoreticheskie i prikladnye aspekty [The linguistic and rhetorical paradigm: theory and practice], Avtoref., Krasnodar, KubGU, 2000, 48 p.; Marchuk M. V. «Razvitie i stanovlenie znacheniy slov osnovnogo terminologicheskogo slova» [The development and formation of word semantics in the basic terminological layer], Terminovedenie, M., Moskovskiy litsey, 1997, N. 1–3, P. 41–51; Marchuk Yu. N. Osnovy kompyuternoy lingvistiki [The bases of computational linguistics], M., MPU, 2000, 226 p.; Medvedeva I. L. Psikholingvisticheskie problemy funktsionirovaniya leksiki nerodnogo yazyka [Psycholinguistic issues of functioning of foreign language vocabulary], Avtoref., Ufa, 1999, 46 p.; Shurakova G. V. «Meditsinskaya terminologiya v aspekte uchebnoy leksikografii» [Medical terminology in the perspective of academic lexicography], Terminovedenie, M., Moskovskiy litsey, 1998, N. 1–3, P. 88–90 (in Russian).

22. Biere B. U. «Sturmangriff der Killerviren» Metaphern und Verstaendlichkeit. Metaphern, Medien, Wissenschaft[«Storm attack of the killervir» metaphors and understanding. Metaphors, media, science], Opladen, Westdeutscher Verlag, 1997, P. 132–148; Candlin C. N. «The dynamics of discourse: researching interdiscursivity intli», Port Scientae, University of Vaasa, 2011, Р. 5; Hoek K. E. A. Discourse studies in cognitive linguistics, Philadelphia, Benjamins, 1999, 187 p.; Nacke J., Gerdel W. «Medizinische Terminologien» [Medical Terminologies], Handbuch der medizinischen Dokumentation und Datenverarbeitung, Stuttgart, Schattauer, 1975, P. 212–232; Downing P., Noonan M. «Word Order in Discourse», Typological Studies in Language, 1996, N. 30.

23. Alekseeva L. M. «Termin kak kategoriya kognitivnogo terminovedeniya» [The term as a category of cognitive science of terminology], Aktualnyie problemy issledovaniya yazyka i rechi. Materialy mezhdunarodnoy nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh uchyonykh. V 3–h ch., Minsk, BGPU, Ch. 1, 1998, P. 80–83; Leontiev A. A. Yazyk, rech, rechevaya deyatelnost [Language, speech, speaking], M., Prosveshenie, 1969, 214 p.; Marchuk Yu. N. Osnovy kompyuternoy lingvistiki [The bases of computational linguistics], M., MPU, 2000, 226 p.; Medvedeva I. L. Psikholingvisticheskie problemy funktsionirovaniya leksiki nerodnogo yazyka [Psycholinguistic issues of functioning of foreign language vocabulary], Avtoref., Ufa, 1999, 46 p.; Mezenin S. M. «Obraznost kak lingvisticheskaya kategoriya» [Figurativeness as a category of linguistics], Voprosy yazykoznaniya, 1983, N, 6, P. 48–57; Moskalskaya O. I. Grammatika teksta [Text grammar], M., Vyssh. shk., 1981, 183 p.; Moskvin V. P. «Russkaya metafora: parametry klassifikatsii» [Russian metaphor: classification criteria], Filologicheskie nauki, 1999, N 2, P. 66–74; Novodranova V. F. «Kompozitsionnaya semantika kak otrazhenie kontseptualnoy integratsii (na materiale meditsinskoy terminologii)» [Composable semantics as a reflection of conceptual integration (based on medical terms)], Nauchno-tekhnicheskaya terminologiya: Nauchno-referativnyj sbornik, M., Gosstandart Rossii, VNIIKI, 2002, Vyp. 2, P. 58–59; Ovchinnikova I. G. Assotsiatsii i vyskazyvanie: struktura i semantika [Associations and utterance: structure and semantics], Perm', PGU, 1994, 124 p. (in Russian).

24. Leontiev A. A. Yazyk, rech, rechevaya deyatelnost [Language, speech, speaking], M., Prosveshenie, 1969, Р. 29 (in Russian).

25. Gudkov L. D. Metafora i ratsionalnost kak problema sotsialnoy epistemologii [Metaphor and rationality as the issues of social epistemology], M., Rusina, 1994, Р. 39 (in Russian).

26. Mezenin S. M. «Obraznost kak lingvisticheskaya kategoriya» [Figurativeness as a category of linguistics], Voprosy yazykoznaniya, 1983, N 6, P. 48 (in Russian).

27. Volodina M. N. Kognitivno-informatsionnaya priroda termina (na materiale terminologii sredstv massovoy informatsii [Cognitive features of terms (based on mass media terms], M., Izd-vo Mosk. gos. un-ta im. M. V. Lomonosova, 2000, 128 p.; Vorozhbitova A. A. Lingvoritoricheskaya paradigma: teoreticheskie i prikladnye aspekty [The linguistic and rhetorical paradigm: theory and practice], Avtoref., Krasnodar, KubGU, 2000, 48 p. (in Russian).

28. Volodina M. N. Kognitivno-informatsionnaya priroda termina (na materiale terminologii sredstv massovoy informatsii [Cognitive features of terms (based on mass media terms], M., Izd-vo Mosk. gos. un-ta im. M. V. Lomonosova, 2000, Р. 84 (in Russian).

29. Volodina M. N. Kognitivno-informatsionnaya priroda termina (na materiale terminologii sredstv massovoy informatsii [Cognitive features of terms (based on mass media terms], M., Izd-vo Mosk. gos. un-ta im. M. V. Lomonosova, 2000, Р. 31 (in Russian).

30. Volodina M. N. Kognitivno-informatsionnaya priroda termina (na materiale terminologii sredstv massovoy informatsii [Cognitive features of terms (based on mass media terms], M., Izd-vo Mosk. gos. un-ta im. M. V. Lomonosova, 2000, Р. 89 (in Russian).

31. Allafi L. P. «Rol kategorii prostranstva v kontseptualnoy sisteme ortodontii» [The role of category of space in the concept-based system of orthodontics], Nauchno-tekhnicheskaya terminologiya, M., Gosstandart Rossii, VNIIKI, 2002, N. 2, P. 9; Bekisheva E. V. «Nekotorye aspekty yazykovoy kategorizatsii v meditsinskoy terminologii» [Some aspects of language categorization of medical terminology], Nauchno-tehnicheskaya terminologiya, M., Gosstandart Rossii, VNIIKI, 2002, N. 2, P. 11–14; Vorozhbitova A. A. Lingvoritoricheskaya paradigma: teoreticheskie i prikladnye aspekty [The linguistic and rhetorical paradigm: theory and practice], Avtoref., Krasnodar, KubGU, 2000, 48 p.; Golovin B. N., Kobrin R. Yu. Lingvisticheskie osnovy ucheniya o terminakh [The linguistic basis of the term theory], M., Vyssh. shk., 1987, 103 p.; Marchuk M. V. «Razvitie i stanovlenie znacheniy slov osnovnogo terminologicheskogo slova» [The development and formation of word semantics in the basic terminological layer], Terminovedenie, M., Moskovskiy litsey, 1997, N. 1–3, P. 41–51; Marchuk Yu. N. Osnovy kompyuternoy lingvistiki [The bases of computational linguistics], M., MPU, 2000, 226 p.; Novodranova V. F. «Kompozitsionnaya semantika kak otrazhenie kontseptualnoy integratsii (na materiale meditsinskoy terminologii)» [Composable semantics as a reflection of conceptual integration (based on medical terms)], Nauchno-tekhnicheskaya terminologiya, M., Gosstandart Rossii, VNIIKI, 2002, N. 2, P. 58–59; Ovchinnikova I. G., Beresneva N. I., Dubrovskaya L. A., Penyagina E. B. Leksikon mladshego shkolnika (kharakteristika leksicheskogo komponenta yazykovoy kompetentsii) [The lexicon of the junior schoolchild (the characteristics of the lexical component of language competence], Perm', PGU, 2000, 312 p.; Sorokina T. S. Istoriya meditsiny

[The history of medicine], M., Izd-vo UDN, 1988, 72 p. (in Russian).

32. Marchuk M. V. Dinamika leksicheskikh znacheniy mnogoznachnykh slov (leksika osnovnogo terminologicheskogo slova) [Dynamics of lexical meanings of polysemantic words (the vocabulary of the basic terminological layer], Dis., M., Mosk. ped. un-t, 1996, 59 p.; Ovchinnikova I. G. Assotsiativnyi mekhanizm v rechemyslitelnoy deyatelnosti [Associative mechanism in speaking and thinking], Avtoref., Perm', SPb. gos. un-t, 2002, 30 p.; Olshanskiy I. G. «Kognitivnye aspekty leksicheskoy mnogoznachnosti

» [Cognitive aspects of lexical polysemy], Filologicheskie nauki, 1996, N. 5, P. 85– 93; Shurakova G. V. «Meditsinskaya terminologiya vaspekte uchebnoy leksikografii» [Medical terminology in the perspective of academic lexicography], Terminovedenie, M., Moskovskiy litsey, 1998, N. 1–3, P. 88–90 (in Russian).

32. Ulrich R. «View throuth a window may influence recovery from surgery», Science 224, 27. April, 1984.

33. Golovin B. N., Kobrin R. Yu. Lingvisticheskie osnovy ucheniya o terminakh [The linguistic basis of the term theory], M., Vyssh. shk., 1987, Р. 87 (in Russian).

34. Zhabotinskaya S. A. «Kontseptualnyi analiz yazyka: freymovye seti» [Language concept analysis: frame-based systems], Mova. Naukovoteoretychnyi chasopys z movoznavstva: Problemy prykladnoyi linhvistyky, 2004, N. 9, Р. 81 (in Ukrainian).

35. Medvedeva I. L. Psikholingvisticheskie problemy funktsionirovaniya leksiki nerodnogo yazyka [Psycholinguistic issues of functioning of foreign language vocabulary], Avtoref., Ufa, 1999, Р. 33 (in Russian).

36. Zhabotinskaya S. A. «Kontseptualnyi analiz yazyka: freymovye seti» [Language concept analysis: frame-based systems], Mova. Naukovoteoretychnyi chasopys z movoznavstva: Problemy prykladnoyi linhvistyky, 2004, N. 9, Р. 87 (in Ukrainian).

37. Karaulov Yu. N. Aktivnaya grammatika i assotsiativno-verbalnaya set [Active grammar and associative verbal system], M., IRYa RAN, 1999, Р. 66 (in Russian).

38. Grinev S. V. Istoricheskiy sistematizirovannyi slovar terminov terminovedeniya [The historical systematized dictionary of terms in the science of terminology], M., MPU, 1998, Р. 38–39 (in Russian).

39. Karaulov Yu. N. Aktivnaya grammatika i assotsiativno-verbalnaya set [Active grammar and associative verbal system], M., IRYa RAN, 1999, Р. 75 (in Russian).

40. Gudkov L. D. Metafora i ratsionalnost kak problema sotsialnoy epistemologii [Metaphor and rationality as the issues of social epistemology], M., Rusina, 1994, Р. 37 (in Russian).

41. Golovanova E. I. «Bazovye kognitivnye ponyatiya i razvitie terminovedeniya» [Basic cognitive concepts and the development of the science of terminology], Vestn. Udmurtsk. un-ta. Seriya «Istoriya i filologiya», 2010, N. 2, P. 85–91; Grinev S. V. Istoricheskiy sistematizirovannyi slovar terminov terminovedeniya [The historical systematized dictionary of terms in the science of terminology], M., MPU, 1998, 96 p.; Leychik V. M. «Kognitivnoe terminovedenie – pyatyi etap razvitiya terminovedeniya kak veduschey nauchnoy distsipliny rubezha XX – XXI vekov» [Cognitive science of terminology – the fifth period of development of terminology as a leading science of late 20th century and early 21st century], Kognitivnaya lingvistika: novye problemy poznaniy, M., Ryazan', 2007, P. 121–133 (in Russian).

42. Volodina M. N. Kognitivno-informatsionnaya priroda termina (na materiale terminologii sredstv massovoy informatsii [Cognitive features of terms (based on mass media terms], M., Izd-vo Mosk. gos. un-ta im. M. V. Lomonosova, 2000, Р. 34 (in Russian).

43. Ilenkov A. «Terminolohiya ta yiyi rol’ u predstavlenni znan’» [Terminology and its role in knowledge presentation], Visnyk Natsionalnoho un-tu«Lvivska politekhnika». Seriya «Problemy ukrayinskoyi terminolohii», 2009, N. 648, Р. 24 (in Russian).

44. Grinev S. V. «Kognitivnoe terminovedenie» [Cognitive science of terminology], Nauchno-tehnicheskaya terminologiya, 2002, N. 1, Р. 12 (in Russian).

45. Grinev S. V. «Kognitivnoe terminovedenie» [Cognitive science of terminology], Nauchno-tehnicheskaya terminologiya, 2002, N. 1, Р. 12 (in Russian).

46. Karaulov Yu. N. Aktivnaya grammatika i assotsiativno-verbalnaya set [Active grammar and associative verbal system], M., IRYa RAN, 1999, Р. 68 (in Russian).

47. Volodina M. N. Kognitivno-informatsionnaya priroda termina (na materiale terminologii sredstv massovoy informatsii [Cognitive fe atures of terms (based on mass media terms], M., Izd-vo Mosk. gos. un-ta im. M. V. Lomonosova, 2000, Р. 24 (in Russian).

48. Kozlovskaya O. G. «Kognitivnyi podkhod k issledovaniyu termina kak instrumenta poznaniya» [Cognitive approach to the study of the term as a learning tool], Yazyk kak sredstvo kommunikatsii: teoriya, praktika, metodika prepodavaniya, M., Izd-vo Mosk. gos. un-ta im. M. V. Lomonosova, 2007, Р. 246 (in Russian).

49. Golovanova E. I. Vvedenie v kognitivnoe terminovedenie [The introduction to cognitive science of terminology], M., FLINTA, NAUKA, 2011, Р. 66; Grinev S. V. «Semioticheskie aspekty terminovedeniya» [Semiotic aspects of the science of terminology], Terminovedenie, M., Moskovskiy litsey, 1997, N. 1–3, Р. 12 (in Russian).

50. Volodina M. N. Kognitivno-informatsionnaya priroda termina (na materiale terminologii sredstv massovoy informatsii [Cognitive fe atures of terms (based on mass media terms], M., Izd-vo Mosk. gos. un-ta im. M. V. Lomonosova, 2000, Р. 24 (in Russian).


