Лопушанський Андрій Іванович (до 110-річчя з дня народження)


  • Mykhaylo Bratenko Буковинський державний медичний університет, Україна
  • Olesya Perepelytsya



Ключові слова:

Чернівецький державний медичний інститут, А. І. Лопушанський, наукова діяльність, декаметоксин


Мета дослідження. У статті висвітлено нові архівні дані, що стосуються життя і діяльності завідувача кафедри загальної хімії періоду 1953-1976 рр. Андрія Івановича Лопушанського, наукові дослідження якого мали історичне для Чернівецького медичного інституту значення. Методологія. В ході дослідження використано метод ретроспекції і порівняльного аналізу. Наукова новизна. Висвітлено значення наукових досліджень А. І. Лопушанського і вплив його особистості на формування і становлення наукового напряму кафедри загальної хімії в області органічної хімії - спрямованого органічного синтезу потенційно фармакологічних речовин, що допомогло зростанню авторитету Чернівецького медичного інституту в науковому світі. Висновки. Протягом 23 років наукової діяльності Андрієм Івановичем Лопушанським сформована відома в Україні та за її межами наукова школа синтезу нових протимікробних засобів. Загальне визнання отримали наукові розробки А. І. Лопушанського і колективу, що стосуються синтезу декаметоксина і ряду інших протимікробних засобів


Arkhiv BDMU. Fond N. R-398. Op. 39, Case N. 33, ark. 56, 69-73.

Arkhiv BDMU. Fond N. R-398. Op. 51, Case N. 22, ark. 82.

Boichuk T. M., Moisei A. A. Pershi 30 rokiv diialnosti Chernivetskoho medychnoho instytutu (1944-1974 rr.) [First thirty years of activities of Chernivtsi medical institute (1944-1974)], Chernivtsi: BDMU, 2019, P. 424 [in Ukrainian].

Burdeniuk I. P., Palii H. K., Lopushanskyi A. I. Antymikrobna aktyvnist odno- i dvochetvertynnykh amoniinykh solei, shcho mistiat karbo- i heterotsykly [Antimicrobial activity of mono- and bisquaternary ammonium salts containing some carbo- and heterocycles], Mikrobiolohichnyi zhurnal [Microbiological journal], N 2 (36), 1974, P. 211-4 [in Ukrainian].

Davtian L. L., Popovych V. P., Maletska Z. V., Reva D. V. “Dekamethoksyn i khlorheksydyn na vitchyznianomu farmatsevtychnomu rynku” [Decamethoxin and chlorhexidine in the local pharmaceutical market], Farmatsevtychnyi zhurnal [Journal of pharmacy], N 1, 2014, P. 28–33 [in Ukrainian].

Denisenko V. P., Tashhuk K. G., Dombrovskij A. V. “Sintez nekotoryh dvuchetvertinnyh aamonijnyh solej proizvodnyh geksametilenndiamina i zameshhennyh bromstirena i tolana” [Synthesis of some double quaternary ammonium salts of hexamethylenediamine derivatives and substitutions of brominestyrene and tolane], Zhurnal organicheskoj himii [Journal of Organic Chemistry], N 3, 1967, P. 89 [in Russian].

Denysenko V. P. Dombrovskyi A. V., Zela M. A. Atsytaly monokhloruksusnoi kysloty [Acetic acid acetals], Ukraynskyi khymycheskyi zhurnal [Ukrainian Journal of Chemistry], N 6, 1961, P. 784-6 [In Russian].

Lopushanskiy A. I. “Prizhiznennoe izmenenie strukturyi belkovyih tel v tkanyah eksperimentalnyih ran pod vliyaniem mochevinyi” [Intravital changes in the structure of protein bodies in the experimental wounds tissue under the influence of urea], Dokladyi Akademii Nauk SSSR [Bulletin of the Academy of Science of USSR], N 3 (91), 1953, P. 687 [in Ukrainian].

Lopushanskiy A. I. Adsorbtsiya geksoniya i geksonata na aktivirovannom ugle iz vodnyih rastvorov. Nauchnyie zapiski Chernovitskogo meditsinskogo instituta [Scientific notes of Chernovtsy medical institute], 1960, P. 49 [in Russian].

Lopushanskiy A. I., Denisenko V. P. “Issledovaniya v oblasti sinteza dvuhchetvernyih soley N,N-proizvodnyih geksametilendiamina. Sintez geksametilen-1, 6-bisdimetilaminouksusnoy kislotyi i ee slozhnyih efirov” [To the investigations in the field of synthesis of bisquaternary salts of N,N-derivatives of hexamethylenediamine. Synthesis of hexamethylene-1, 6-bisdimethylamineacetic acid and its esters], Zhurnal organicheskoj himii [Journal of Organic Chemistry], N 30, 1960, P. 2698 [in Russian].

Lopushanskiy A. I., Denisenko V. P. “Issledovaniya v oblasti sinteza dvuhchetvernyih soley N,N-proizvodnyih geksametilendiamina. Sintez geksametilen-1, 6-bisdimetilaminouksusnoy kislotyi i ee slozhnyih efirov” [To the investigations in the field of synthesis of bisquaternary salts of N,N-derivatives of hexamethylenediamine. Synthesis of new dichlorides of hexamethylene-1, 6-bisdimethylaminealkylacetates], Zhurnal organicheskoj himii [Journal of Organic Chemistry], N 32, 1962, Р. 731 [in Russian].

Lopushanskiy A. I., Denisenko V. P. Sintez chetvertichnyih ammonievyih soley proizvodnyih etilendiamina [Synthesis of the quaternary ammonium salts of the ethylenediamine derivatives], Zhurnal organicheskoj himii [Journal of Organic Chemistry], N 34, 1964, P. 688 [in Russian].

Lopushanskiy A. I., Denisenko V. P., Pohmurskaya M. V. “Polyarograficheskie svoystva dvuhchetvertichnogo ammonievogo proizvodnogo etilendiamina s aktivirovannyimi svyazyami C-N” [Polarographic properties of the bisquaternal ammonium derivative of ethylenediamine with the activated C-N bonds], Zhurnal organicheskoj himii [Journal of Organic Chemistry], N 32, 1963, P. 728 [in Russian].

Lopushanskiy A. I., Gorban A. K., Udovitskaya V. V. “Sintez dvuhchetvertichnyih ammonievyih proizvodnyih dekametilendiamina” [Synthesis of the bisquaternary ammonium derivatives of decamethylenediamine] Izvestiya AN SSSR. Seriya himicheskaya [News of the Academy of Science of USSR], N 6, 1964, P. 1106 [in Russian].

Lopushanskiy A. I., Lopushanskiy P. I. “K voprosu ob energetike biologicheskih protsessov” [To the issue of energy of the biological processes], Biohimiya [Biochemistry], N 2 (20), 1955, P. 251 [in Russian].

Lopushanskiy A. I., Molotovskiy G. H., Zamanskiy L. N., Lopushanskiy P. I. “Raspredelenie radioaktivnogo fosfora P32 v nekotoryih rasteniyah v svyazi s yavleniem polyarnosti” [A distribution of the radioactive P32 in some plants related to the phenomenon of polarity], Fiziologiya rasteniy [Plants physiology], N 1 (5), 1958, P. 37 [in Ukrainian].

Lopushanskiy A. I., Pozharskaya M. V. “Polyarograficheskoe issledovanie geksametilen-1, 6-bisdimetilamina” [A polarographic investigation of hexamethylene-1, 6-bisdimethylamine], Zhurnal organicheskoj himii [Journal of Organic Chemistry], N 32, 1962, P. 3135 [in Russian].

Lopushanskiy A. I., Shnarevich A I., Shevchuk M. I. “Chetvertichnyie ammonievyie soli iz dvutretichnyih diaminov i α- bromalkilarilketonov” [The quaternary ammonium salts obtained from bisquaternary diamines and α-bromalkylarylketones], Zhurnal organicheskoj himii [Journal of Organic Chemistry], N 3, 1967, P. 365 [in Russian].

Lopushanskiy A. I., Shnarevich A. I. “Polyarograficheskoe issledovanie nekotoryih chetvertichnyih ammonievyih soedeneniy, soderzhaschih ketonnuyu ili slozhnoefirnuyu gruppyi” [A polarographic study of some quaternary ammonium compounds containing the ketone or ester group], Zhurnal organicheskoj himii [Journal of Organic Chemistry], N 36, 1966, P. 605 [in Russian].

Lopushanskiy A. I., Shnarevich A. I. “Polyarograficheskoe povedenie slozhnyih alkilefirov betaina” [A polarographic behavior of the comples esters of betaine], Zhurnal organicheskoj himii [Journal of Organic Chemistry], N 34, 1964, P. 3153 [in Russian].

Lopushanskiy A. I., Shnarevich A. I. “Vzaimodeystvie geksoniya s nikotinovoy kislotoy v vodnyih rastvorah” [An interaction between hexonium and nicotine acid in the aqueous solutions], Zhurnal organicheskoj himii [Journal of Organic Chemistry], N 35, 1965, P. 216 [in Russian].

Lopushanskiy A. I., Shnarevich A. I., Burdenyuk I. P., Paliy G. K. Sintez i antimikrobnaya aktivnost nekotoryih novyih chetvertichnyih ammonievyih soedineniy zhirnoaromaticheskogo ryada [The synthesis and antimicrobial activity of some new quaternary ammonium compounds of the fattyaromatic series], Himicheskiy farmatsevticheskiy zhurnal [Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal], N 9 (5), 1971, P. 27 [in Russian].

Lopushanskiy A. I., Taschuk K. G., Burdenyuk I. P., Paliy G. K. “Sintez i antimikrobnaya aktivnost nekotoryih novyih chetvertichnyih ammonievyih soley etilen-, geksametilen- i dekametilenbisdimetilaminov s zameschennyimi brommetilstilbenami i s brommetiltolanami” [The synthesis and antimicrobial activity of some new quaternary ammonium salts of ethylene-, hexamethylene- and decamethylenebisdimethylamines with the substituted brommethylstilbens and with brommethyltolans], Himicheskiy farmatsevticheskiy zhurnal [Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal], N 9 (7), 1973, P. 11[in Russian].

Lopushanskiy A. I., Udovitskaya V. V. “Chetvertichyie ammonievyie proizvodnyie holesterina” [The quaternary ammonium derivatives of cholesterol], Himicheskiy farmatsevticheskiy zhurnal [Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal], N 8 (4), 1970, P. 14 [in Russian].

Lopushanskiy A. I., Udovitskaya V. V. Sposob polucheniya 10-bisdimetilaminodekana. Avtorskoe svidetelstvo №386919 ot 1973 g. [A method of synthesis of 10-bisdimethylaminodecane] Ofitsialnyiy byulleten Komiteta po delam izobreteniy i otkryitiy pri Sovete Ministrov SSSR [The official bulletin of the Committee for Invention and Discovery of the Ministers Council of USSR], 1973, N 25 [in Russian].

Lopushanskiy A. I., Udovitskaya V. V., Paliy G. K., Burdenyuk I. P. “Sintez i antimikrobnaya aktivnost ammonievyih proizvodnyih tsiklogeksana” [Synthesis and antimicrobial activity of the ammonium derivatives of cyclohexane], Himicheskiy farmatsevticheskiy zhurnal [Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal], N 1 (4), 1970, P. 17 [in Russian].

Lopushanskiy A. I., Udovitskaya V. V. “Polyarograficheskoe issledovanie dvuhchetvertichnyih ammonievyih proizvodnyih dekametilendiamina, soderzhaschih slozhnoefirnyie gruppyi” [A polarographic study of the bisquaternary ammonium derivatives of decamethylenediamine containing some ester groups], Zhurnal organicheskoj himii [Journal of Organic Chemistry], N 36, 1966, P. 184 [in Russian].

Lopushanskiy A. I., Zakrividoroga S. P., Zamanskiy L. N. “Eksperimentalnyie issledovaniya po vliyaniyu tireoidina, tiamina vitamina V1), penitsillina, streptomitsina i biomitsina na dinamiku istoscheniya i vosstanovleniya organizma” [An experimental investigation of influence of thyroidin, thiamine, vtamin B1, penicillin, streptomycin and biomycin on the dynamics of exhaustion and regeneration of the organism], Koreyskiy zhurnal eksperimentalnoy meditsinyi [Korean journal of experimental medicine], N 4 (2), 1958, P. 14 [in Russian].

Lopushanskiy A. I., Zakrividoroga S. P., Zamanskiy L. N. “Vliyanie medinala, barbamila, kokaina i smesi broma s kofeinom na protsessyi istoscheniya i vosstanovleniya organizma” [An influence of medinal, barbamile, cocaine, and a mixture of bromine and caffeine on the processes of exhaustion and regeneration of the organism], Koreyskiy zhurnal eksperimentalnoy meditsinyi [Korean journal of experimental medicine], N 4 (2), 1958, P. 10 [in Russian].

Lopushanskiy A. I., Zakrividoroga S. P., Zamanskiy L. N., Nevskaya T. L. “Vliyanie penitsillina na dinamiku istoscheniya i vosstanovleniya organizma” [An influence of penicillin of the dynamics of exhaustion and regeneration of the organism] Antybiotyky [Antibiotics], N 2, 1958, P. 45 [in Russian].

Lopushanskiy A. I., Zakrividoroga S. P., Zamanskiy L. N., Siver P. Ya. “Raspredelenie radioaktivnogo tiamina v tkanyah zhivotnyih pri istoschenii i vosstanovlenii organizma” [A distribution of the radioactive thiamine in the animal tissues at exhaustion and regeneration of the organism], Byulleten eksperimentalnoy biologii i meditsinyi [Bulletin of experimental biology and medicine], N 12 (35), 1956, P. 43 [in Ukrainian].

Lopushanskiy A. I., Zamanskiy L. N. “Vliyanie mochevinyi kak faktora, vyizyivayuschego izmenenie strukturyi belkovyih tel, na hod zazhyivleniya ranyi” [An influence of urea as a factor causing some changes in the protein bodies structure on the healing of wounds], Dokladyi Akademii Nauk SSSR [Bulletin of the Academy of Science of USSR], N 3 (85), 1953, P. 665 [in Ukrainian].

Lopushanskiy A. I., Zamanskiy L. N., Kapralova E. V. “Vliyanie mochevinyi na vklyuchenie mechenogo R32 neorganicheskogo fosfata v regeneriruyuschuyu tkan” [An influence of urea on inclusion of the P32 labeled inorganic phosphate in the regenerating tissues], Voprosyi meditsinskoy himii [Medicinal chemistry issues], N 5, 1956, P. 346 [in Ukrainian].

Lopushanskiy A. I., Zamanskiy L. N., Siver P. Ya. “Issledovanie obnovleniya regeneriruyuschey tkani pod vliyaniem mochevinyi pri pomoschi metionina, mechenogo S35 [An investigation of renovation of the regenerating tissues under the influence of urea using the S35 traced methionine], Dokladyi Akademii Nauk SSSR [Bulletin of the Academy of Science of USSR], N 1 (99), 1954, P. 177 [in Ukrainian].

Lopushanskiy A. I., Zamanskiy L. N., Siver P. Ya. “Raspredelenie zolotistogo stafilokokka mechenogo P32 pri ostrom stafilokokkovom sepsise u krolikov” [A distribution of the P32 labeled Staphylococcus aureus at the acute staphylococcus sepsis in rabbits], Voprosyi meditsinskoy himii [Medicinal chemistry issues], N 1, 1956, P. 29 [in Ukrainian].

Lopushanskiy A. I., Zhila E. S., Zamanskiy L. N. “Raspredelenie i vyidelenie radioaktivnogo penitsillina, mechenogo po sere S35 u kryis i krolikov” [Distribution and excretion of the S35 labeled radioactive penicillin in rats and rabbits], Vrachebnoe delo [Medical practice], N 8, 1957, P. 11 [in Ukrainian].

Lopushanskiy A. I. “Iscledovaniya v oblasti sinteza dvuhchetvertichnyih soley N, N-proizvodnyih geksametilendiamina. Polyarograficheskoe povedenie slozhnyih efirov geksametilen-1,6-bisdimetilamina” [To the investigations in the field of synthesis of bisquaternary salts of N,N-derivatives of hexamethylenediamine. Polarographic behavior of hexamethylene-1, 6-bisdimethylamine esters], Zhurnal organicheskoj himii [Journal of Organic Chemistry], N 32, 1962, P. 3098 [in Russian].

Lopushanskiy A.I., Zhila E.S., Zamanskiy L.N., Kapralova E.V. “K biohimii stimulyatsii zazhivleniya eksperimentalnyih ran” [To biochemistry of stimulation of the experimental wounds healing], Eksperimentalnaya hirurgiya [Experimental surgery], N 4, 1956, P. 56 [in Ukrainian].

Lopushanskyi A. I., Zamanskyi L. N. “Pro deiaki biokhimichni zrushennia v reheneruiuchii tkanyni pid vplyvom sechovyny pry hoinni ran” [To some biochemical changes in the regenerating tissues under the influence of urea at the process of their healing], Ukrainskyi biokhimichnyi zhurnal [Ukrainian biochemical journal], N 1 (27), 1955, P. 25 [in Ukrainian].

Lopushanskyi A. I., Zhyla E. S., Zamanskyi L. N., Nevskaia T. L., Tarakhovskyi M. L. “Vplyv bromu na protsesy vysnazhennia ta vidnovlennia orhanizmu” [An influence of bromine on the processes of exhaustion and regeneration of the organism], Fiziolohichnyi zhurnal Akademii Nauk URSR [Physiology journal of the Academy of science of UkrSSR], N 3 (8), 1963, P. 8 [in Ukrainian].

Lopushanskyi A. I., Zhyla E.S., Zamanskyi L. N., Kapralova E. V. “Biokhimichni zminy pid vplyvom sechovyny i mazi Vyshnevskoho v reheneruiuchii tkanyni pry zahoiuvanni ran” [The biochemical changes induced by urea and Vishnevsky’s ointment in the regenerating tissues at the wounds healing], Ukrainskyi biokhimichnyi zhurnal [Ukrainian biochemical journal], N 1 (30), 1958, P. 63 [in Ukrainian].

Nazarchuk H. H., Saldan Y. R., Nazarchuk O. A., Palii V. H., Zaderei N. V., Saldan Yu. I. “Vyvchennia antymikrobnykh vlastyvostei shovnykh materialiv dlia oftalmokhirurhii” [An investigation of antimicrobial properties of the suture materials in the ophthalmology surgery], Visnyk morfolohii [Morphology bulletin], N 1, 2014, P. 205–9 [in Ukrainian].

Palii Viktor Hordiiovych. Antyseptychna aktyvnist, vlastyvosti ta zastosuvannia novykh antymikrobnykh preparativ [Antiseptic activity, properties and administration of new antimicrobial medicines]: Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis: 03.00.07. Kharkiv, 1999, 20 р [in Ukrainian].

Palii Viktor Hordiiovych. Mikrobiolohichne obgruntuvannia zastosuvannia antyseptykiv chetvertynnoho amoniiu v medytsyni [Microbiological substantiation for administration of the quaternary ammonium antiseptic agents in medicine]: Doctor’s thesis: 03.00.07, Vinnytsia, 2006, 360 р. [in Ukrainian].

Paliy G. K. Yuhimets A. D., Lopushanskiy A. I. Dekametoksin. Novyie lekarstvennyie preparatyi: ekspress-informatsiya [Decamethoxin], Novyie lekarstvennyie preparatyi: ekspress-informatsiya [New medicines: the express-information], N 3, 1974, P. 25-30 [in Russian].

Siver P. Ya., Zamanskyi L. N., Lopushanskyi A. I. “Vplyv deiakykh vitaminiv na pohlynannia J131” [Effect of some vitamins for absorption and TG-131], Biuleten eksperymentalnoi biolohii ta medytsyny [Bulletin of experimental biology and medicine], N 6 (39), 1955, P. 43–5[in Ukrainian].

Tischenko E. I., Paliy G. K., Gulgasenko A. I., Troyan G. A., Volyanskiy Yu. L., Lopushanskiy A. I., Yuhimets A. D., Udovitskaya V. V., Neporada V. P., Klimenko A. N. “Lekarstvennoe sredstvo” [A medicine], Patent 348210 SU, MPK A 61 K 27/00. Zayavitel i patentoobladatel Chernovitskiy gos. med. in-t. № 1205851/31-16; zayavl. 26.12.1967; opubl. 23.08.1972, Byul. № 25.

Trojan G. A., Pis'ko G. T., Lopushanskij A. I. Izuchenie antimikrobnyh i farmakologicheskih svojstv chetvertichnyh ammonievyh soedinenij, proizvodnyh jetilen- i geksametilendiamina. Struktura i mehanizm dejstvija fiziologicheski aktivnyh veshhestv [Structure and activity mechanism for some physiologically active substances], Кiev, 1972, P. 49-50 [in Russian].

Yukhymets A.D., Zamanskyi L.N., Lopushanskyi A.Y. Vlyianye terpentyna na okyslytelnye protsessy v reheneryruiushchei tkany pry zazhyvlenyy ran. Farmakolohycheskye y lechebnyie svoistva terpentyna (zhivitsyi) iz bukovinskoy pihtyi [An influence of turpentine on the oxidation processes running in the regenerating tissues at the wounds healing. Pharmaceutical and medical properties of turpentine produced from the Bukovinian fir], Lvov, 1955 [in Russian].

Zakryvydoroha S. P., Zamanskyi L. N., Lopushanskyi A. H. “Vplyv bromu na protsesy vysnazhennia ta vidnovlennia orhanizmu” [An influence of bromine on the processes of exhaustion and regeneration of the organism], Fiziolohichnyi zhurnal [Physiological journal], N 3 (8), 1962, P. 319-324 [in Ukrainian].

Zakryvydoroha S. P., Zamans'kyy L. N. “Vplyv antybiotykiv (penitsylinu, streptomitsynu) na funktsional'nu zdatnist' ShchZ” [Effect of antibiotics (penicillin, streptomycin) on the functional ability of the thyroid], Antybiotyky [Antibiotics], N 5 (1), 1956, P. 40-2 [in Ukrainian]


