Наука і технологія як фактори, що сприяють розвитку охорони здоров'я в Гані: минуле і сьогодення


  • Samuel Adu-Gyamfi Буковинський державний медичний університет, Україна
  • Ernest Foley Okine
  • Richard Oware



Ключові слова:

наука, технологія, народна медицина, православна медицина, охорона здоров'я Гани


На основі якісного дослідження автори змогли зібрати інформацію з первинних і вторинних джерел, щоб виділити деякі істотні аспекти того, що пояснює прогрес, досягнутий у сфері охорони здоров'я в Гані. Мета статті - вивчити вплив науки і нових технологій на якісні зміни в системі системи охорони здоров'я Гани, а також розглянути процес зміни в історичному ключі. Джерельна база роботи - документи, що регламентують діяльність охорони здоров'я Гани, міжнародні джерела. Методологічні підходи: історичний порівняльний аналіз, статистичний і описовий методи. Результати, представлені в цьому дослідницькому документі, вказують на що розвиваються традиційні і альтернативні підходи, а також на досягнення в сфері біомедицини в Гані. Висновки. Завдяки поступовим і, в деякій мірі, прагматичним формулювань і реалізації нової політики в галузі охорони здоров'я. У статті також йдеться про прихильність фахівців-практиків, дослідників і політиків до забезпечення і прийняття деяких відповідних зобов'язань на шляху підвищення якості охорони здоров'я в Гані. Передбачається, що ця частина спонукає Ганцов і політиків, зокрема, продовжувати займатися науковими дослідженнями і уникати абсолютної консервативності.


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Yeboah L. “Health Sector has Seen Many Reforms”, Accessed on 01.04.2018, She is a journalist of the

Ghanaian leading newspaper; The Daily Graphic. She is interested in going beyond in health reporting. She

cited Professor Akosa whose was a former Director General of the Ghana health service from a report

covered by VOA news, URL: www.lucyadoma.blogspot.com [in English].

PRAAD, Seven Year Plan for Reconstruction and Development by Dr Kwame Nkrumah, Accra, Ghana,

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Mrs Adelaide Acheampong Personal interview, Access on 24.04.2018, Mrs Acheampong is the Deputy

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They also collaborate with the Ghana Ambulance Service [in English]

Mr. Asante. Personal interview, 19th March 2018, Mr. Asante is the head of St John’s Ambulance

Service in Kumasi. They help in the administering of first aid to patients and transport patients to hospital.

They also collaborate with the Ghana Ambulance Service [in English]

PRAAD, Seven Year Plan for Reconstruction and Development by Dr Kwame Nkrumah, Accra, Ghana,

175, Dr Kwame Nkrumah, the first president of Ghana presented the seven year development plan in

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Saleh Karima “The Health Sector in Ghana: A Comprehensive assessment”, Directions in development:

human development, World Bank, 2013, P. 45-48, URL:

https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/12297 [in English].

Saleh Karima “The Health Sector in Ghana: A Comprehensive assessment”, Directions in development:

human development, World Bank, 2013, P. 45-48, URL:

https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/12297 [in English].

Saleh Karima “The Health Sector in Ghana: A Comprehensive assessment”, Directions in development:

human development, World Bank, 2013, P. 45-48, URL:

https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/12297 [in English].

Saleh Karima “The Health Sector in Ghana: A Comprehensive assessment”, Directions in development:

human development, World Bank, 2013, P. 45-48, URL:

https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/12297 [in English].

Saleh Karima “The Health Sector in Ghana: A Comprehensive assessment”, Directions in development:

human development, World Bank, 2013, P. 45-48, URL:

https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/12297 [in English].

Saleh Karima “The Health Sector in Ghana: A Comprehensive assessment”, Directions in development:

human development, World Bank, 2013, P. 45-48, URL:

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Drislane W Frank, Akpalu Albert, Wegdam Harry “The Medical System in Ghana”, Yale Journal of

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Interview with Mrs Adelaide Acheampong at the Manhyia District Hospital’s D.D.N.S Office, 24th April

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“Healthcare in Ghana”, accessed on 10th April 2018, URL: www.justlanded.com [in English].

Adu-Gyamfi Samuel “From Vital Force To The Scientific Or An Admixture: A Historical Discourse On

Individuals Value For Indigenous Medical Practices In Ghana”, Journal of Basic and Applied Research

international, 43.2, 2018, P. 14−17, [in English].

Adu-Gyamfi Samuel “From Vital Force To The Scientific Or An Admixture: A Historical Discourse On

Individuals Value For Indigenous Medical Practices In Ghana”, Journal of Basic and Applied Research

international, 43.2, 2018, P. 14−17, [in English].

Adu-Gyamfi Samuel “From Vital Force To The Scientific Or An Admixture: A Historical Discourse On

Individuals Value For Indigenous Medical Practices In Ghana”, Journal of Basic and Applied Research

international, 43.2, 2018, P. 14−17, [in English].

Interview with Dr George Henry Sam at the Department of Herbal Medicine (KNUST), 17th May 2018.

Adu-Gyamfi Samuel “From Vital Force To The Scientific Or An Admixture: A Historical Discourse On

Individuals Value For Indigenous Medical Practices In Ghana”, Journal of Basic and Applied Research

international, 43.2, 2018, P. 14−17, [in English].

Adu-Gyamfi Samuel “From Vital Force To The Scientific Or An Admixture: A Historical Discourse On

Individuals Value For Indigenous Medical Practices In Ghana”, Journal of Basic and Applied Research

international, 43.2, 2018, P. 15−17, [in English].

Adu-Gyamfi Samuel “From Vital Force To The Scientific Or An Admixture: A Historical Discourse On

Individuals Value For Indigenous Medical Practices In Ghana”, Journal of Basic and Applied Research

international, 43.2, 2018, P. 15−17, [in English].

Interview with Dr George Henry Sam at the Department of Herbal Medicine (KNUST)), 17th May 2018.

Interview with Dr Stephen Y. Gbedema at the Department of Herbal Medicine (KNUST), 18th May

, DR Stephen Y Gbedema is the Head of Department of the Herbal Medicine Department of Kwame

Nkrumah University of Science and Technology.

Interview with Dr Stephen Y. Gbedema at the Department of Herbal Medicine (KNUST), 18th May

, DR Stephen Y Gbedema is the Head of Department of the Herbal Medicine Department of Kwame

Nkrumah University of Science and Technology.

Interview with Dr George Henry Sam at the Department of Herbal Medicine (KNUST), 17th May 2018.

Adu-Gyamfi Samuel. “From Vital Force To The Scientific Or An Admixture: A Historical Discourse On

Individuals Value For Indigenous Medical Practices In Ghana”, Journal of Basic and Applied Research

international, 43.2, 2018, P. 15−16, [in English].

Interview with Dr George Henry Sam at the Department of Herbal Medicine (KNUST), 17th May 2018.

Adu-Gyamfi Samuel. “From Vital Force To The Scientific Or An Admixture: A Historical Discourse On

Individuals Value For Indigenous Medical Practices In Ghana”, Journal of Basic and Applied Research

international, 43.2, 2018, P. 15−16, [in English].

Interview with Mrs Adelaide Acheampong at the Manhyia District Hospital’s D.D.N.S Office, 24th April

Adu-Gyamfi Samuel, “From Vital Force To The Scientific Or An Admixture: A Historical Discourse On

Individuals Value For Indigenous Medical Practices In Ghana”, Journal of Basic and Applied Research

international, 43.2, 2018, P. 15−19, [in English].

Interview with Dr Stephen Y. Gbedema at the Department of Herbal Medicine (KNUST), 18th May

Interview with Dr Stephen Y. Gbedema at the Department of Herbal Medicine (KNUST), 18th May

Interview with Dr George Henry Sam at the Department of Herbal Medicine (KNUST), 17th May 2018. [in English].


