Структура і семантика назв православних храмів Умані ХVІІ століття


  • Oksana Vasylyk Буковинський державний медичний університет, Україна



Ключові слова:

екклезіонім, мікротопонім, семантична структура, словотворча модель


У статті проаналізовано номінації і процес утворення назв православних храмів Умані, перші спогади про яких датуються ХVІІ століттям. Такі екклезіоніми ще не були предметом ономастического вивчення, що й обумовлює актуальність обраної теми. Методи дослідження: описовий - для інвентаризації та систематизації екклезіонімов, порівняльно-історичний - для встановлення причин номінації культових споруд, діахронічний - як засіб дослідження назв в часі. Наукова новизна обумовлена тим, що вперше в науковий обіг введено екклезіонімний фактичний матеріал Умані XVII століття і досліджено його структурно-словотворчі та лексико-семантичні особливості в діахронічному аспекті. Результати роботи. Джерелом для найменування культових споруд досліджуваного регіону послужили агіоніми і еортоніми. За структурної організації еклезіоніми XVII століття є багатокомпонентними субстантивними конструкціями.


Lazarenko H. I. "Osoblyvosti najmenuvannia pravoslavnykh khramiv Donechchyny"

[Characteristics of the names of orthodox churches in Donetsk region], Zapysky z

onomastyky [The notes from the onomastics], 2015, Vol. 18, P. 434–444 [in Ukrainian].

Buhaeva Y. V. Ahyonymy v pravoslavnoj srede : strukturno-semantycheskyj analyz

[Agionyms in the orthodox community: structural-semantic analysis], Moskva, 2007, 138 p.

[in Russian].

Vasylko Z. "Natsionalno-kulturna spetsyfika ukrainskykh nazv sakralnykh sporud"

[Cultural and national specifics of Ukraine orthodox churchesʼ names], Teoriia i praktyka

vykladannia ukrainskoi movy iak inozemnoi [Theory and practice of teaching Ukrainian as a

foreign language], 2008, Vol. 3, P. 117–119 [in Ukrainian].

Moskovskiy Glavnyj Arhiv Ministerstva Inostrannyh Del. Puteshestvie Antiohijskogo

patriarha Makarija v Rossiju v polovine XVІІ veka, opisannoe ego synom arhidiakonom

Pavlom Aleppskim [The travelling of Antiochist Patriarch Macarius to Russia in the middle

of the 17th century, described by his son Archdeacon Pavel Aleppo], Moskva, 1896, P.

–24 [in Russian].

Vasylko Z. "Natsionalno-kulturna spetsyfika ukrainskykh nazv sakralnykh sporud"

[Cultural and national specifics of Ukraine orthodox churchesʼ names], Teoriia i praktyka

vykladannia ukrainskoi movy iak inozemnoi [Theory and practice of teaching Ukrainian as a

foreign language], 2008, Vol. 3, P. 118 [in Ukrainian].

Moskovskiy Glavnyj Arhiv Ministerstva Inostrannyh Del. Puteshestvie Antiohijskogo

patriarha Makarija v Rossiju v polovine XVІІ veka, opisannoe ego synom arhidiakonom

Pavlom Aleppskim [The travelling of Antiochist Patriarch Macarius to Russia in the middle

of the 17th century, described by his son Archdeacon Pavel Aleppo], Moskva, 1896, P. 22

[in Russian].

Leshan V. Yu. Osnovy relihiieznavstva [Basis of Religion Studies], Chernivtsi, 2006, P.

[in Ukrainian].

Umanskyj krajeznavchyj muzej [A study of local lore museum in Uman], NVF-349, plate 8.

Lazarenko H. "Ahioantroponimy iak dzherelo tvorennia eklezionimiv XVIII–XX st."

[Agioanroponyms as the source of creating ecclesionyms of the 18 th –20 th centuries],

Vostochnoukraynskyj lynhvystycheskyj sbornyk [East Ukrainian linguistic collection], 2009,

Vol. 13, P. 74 [in Ukrainian].

Moskovskiy Glavnyj Arhiv Ministerstva Inostrannyh Del. Puteshestvie Antiohijskogo

patriarha Makarija v Rossiju v polovine XVІІ veka, opisannoe ego synom arhidiakonom

Pavlom Aleppskim [The travelling of Antiochist Patriarch Macarius to Russia in the middle

of the 17th century, described by his son Archdeacon Pavel Aleppo], Moskva, 1896, P. 22

[in Russian].

Leshan V. Yu. Osnovy relihiieznavstva [Basis of Religion Studies], Chernivtsi, 2006, P.

[in Ukrainian].

Moskovskiy Glavnyj Arhiv Ministerstva Inostrannyh Del. Puteshestvie Antiohijskogo

patriarha Makarija v Rossiju v polovine XVІІ veka, opisannoe ego synom arhidiakonom

Pavlom Aleppskim [The travelling of Antiochist Patriarch Macarius to Russia in the middle

of the 17th century, described by his son Archdeacon Pavel Aleppo], Moskva, 1896, P. 22

[in Russian].

Kyslashko O. P. Pravoslavni sviata ta narodni zvychai [Orthodox holidays and customs],

Кyiv, 2003, P. 36 [in Ukrainian].

Moskovskiy Glavnyj Arhiv Ministerstva Inostrannyh Del. Puteshestvie Antiohijskogo

patriarha Makarija v Rossiju v polovine XVІІ veka, opisannoe ego synom arhidiakonom

Pavlom Aleppskim [The travelling of Antiochist Patriarch Macarius to Russia in the middle

of the 17th century, described by his son Archdeacon Pavel Aleppo], Moskva, 1896, P. 22

[in Russian].

Leshan V. Yu. Osnovy relihiieznavstva [Basis of Religion Studies], Chernivtsi, 2006, P.

[in Ukrainian].

Umanskyj krajeznavchyj muzej [A study of local lore museum in Uman], NVF-349, plate

Moskovskiy Glavnyj Arhiv Ministerstva Inostrannyh Del. Puteshestvie Antiohijskogo

patriarha Makarija v Rossiju v polovine XVІІ veka, opisannoe ego synom arhidiakonom

Pavlom Aleppskim [The travelling of Antiochist Patriarch Macarius to Russia in the middle

of the 17th century, described by his son Archdeacon Pavel Aleppo], Moskva, 1896, P. 22

[in Russian].

Lеtopis sobytіj v Jugozapadnoj Rossіi v ХVІІ vеkе. Sostavil Samoil Velichko, byvshіj

kanceljarist kanceljarіi Vojska Zaporozhskago, 1720 [Chronicle of events in south-western

Russia in the 17 th century: [in 4 volumes.], Compiled by Samoil Velichko, former clerk of

the office of the Zaporozhsky troops, 1720], Kyiv, 1848, Vol. II, P. 337 [in Ukrainian].

Lеtopis sobytіj v Jugozapadnoj Rossіi v ХVІІ vеkе. Sostavil Samoil Velichko, byvshіj

kanceljarist kanceljarіi Vojska Zaporozhskago, 1720 [Chronicle of events in south-western

Russia in the 17 th century: [in 4 volumes.], Compiled by Samoil Velichko, former clerk of

the office of the Zaporozhsky troops, 1720], Kyiv, 1848, Vol. II, P. 337 [in Ukrainian].

T-ij K. I. "Kratkij ocherk istorii horoda Umani" [Brief historiographical overview of Uman

town], Kievskaja starina [Kievskaja antiquity], 1888, Vol. XXII, P. 389 [in Russian].

Skazanija o naselennyh mestnostjah Kievskoj gubernii ili statisticheskie, istoricheskie i

cerkovnye zametki o vseh derevnjah, selah, mestechkah i gorodah, v predelah gubernii

nahodjashhihsja, sobral L. Pohilevich [The chronicles about the inhabited localities of the

Kyiv province or the statistical, historical and church notes about all countries, villages,

townships and cities, which are within of the city’s bounds, L. Pokhilevich collected], Kiev,

, P. 281 [in Russian].

Sydorenko O. P. Relihiieznavstvo [Religion Studies], Kyiv, 2008, P. 444 [in Ukrainian].

Umanskyj krajeznavchyj muzej [A study of local lore museum in Uman], NVF-349, plate

Moskovskiy Glavnyj Arhiv Ministerstva Inostrannyh Del. Puteshestvie Antiohijskogo

patriarha Makarija v Rossiju v polovine XVІІ veka, opisannoe ego synom arhidiakonom

Pavlom Aleppskim [The travelling of Antiochist Patriarch Macarius to Russia in the middle

of the 17th century, described by his son Archdeacon Pavel Aleppo], Moskva, 1896, P. 22

[in Russian].

Antonov V., Voronov A. Pamjatnaja knizhka Kіevskoj eparhіi [Kiev province memorable

book], Kiev, 1882, P. 175–191 [in Russian].

Skazanija o naselennyh mestnostjah Kievskoj gubernii ili statisticheskie, istoricheskie i

cerkovnye zametki o vseh derevnjah, selah, mestechkah i gorodah, v predelah gubernii

nahodjashhihsja, sobral L. Pohilevich [The chronicles about the inhabited localities of the

Kyiv province or the statistical, historical and church notes about all countries, villages,

townships and cities, which are within of the city’s bounds, L. Pokhilevich collected], Kiev,

, P. 281 [in Russian].

Umanskyj krajeznavchyj muzej [A study of local lore museum in Uman], NVF-349, plate

CDIAK Ukrainy, fund 49, register 1009, archiving 1083-а, plate 12.

Vasylyk O. B. Materialy toponimichnyh ekspedycij (2010–2014) [The materials of the

toponymic expeditions (2010–2014)] [in Ukrainian].

Moskovskiy Glavnyj Arhiv Ministerstva Inostrannyh Del. Puteshestvie Antiohijskogo

patriarha Makarija v Rossiju v polovine XVІІ veka, opisannoe ego synom arhidiakonom

Pavlom Aleppskim [The travelling of Antiochist Patriarch Macarius to Russia in the middle

of the 17th century, described by his son Archdeacon Pavel Aleppo], Moskva, 1896, P. 22

[in Russian].

Skochylias I. Heneralni vizytatsii Kyivskoi unijnoi mytropolii XVII–XVIII stolit: Lvivsko-

Halytsko-Kam'ianetska ieparkhiia [General Visitations of Kyiv Union Metropolitanate in the

XVII-XVIII centuries: Lviv-Galicia-Kamyanets Diocese], Lviv, 2004, Vol. 2, P. 9–10 [in


Ivashhenko V. Istoricheskij ocherk Umani i Caricyna sada (Sofievki) [The

historiographical overview of Uman town and of Tsaritsyn Garden (Sofievka)], Kiev, 1895,

P. 36 [in Russian].

Sydorenko O. P. Relihiieznavstvo [Religion Studies], Kyiv, 2008, P. 445 [in Ukrainian].

CDIAK Ukrainy, fund 49, register 1009, archiving 1083-а, plate 11.

Vasylyk O. B. Materialy toponimichnyh ekspedycij (2010–2014) [The materials of the

toponymic expeditions (2010–2014)] [in Ukrainian].

Vasylyk O. B. Materialy toponimichnyh ekspedycij (2010–2014) [The materials of the

toponymic expeditions (2010–2014)] [in Ukrainian].

Lazarenko H. "Ahioantroponimy iak dzherelo tvorennia eklezionimiv XVIII–XX st."

[Agioanroponyms as the source of creating ecclesionyms of the 18 th –20 th centuries], Vostochnoukraynskyj lynhvystycheskyj sbornyk [East Ukrainian linguistic collection], 2009, Vol. 13, P. 74 [in Ukrainian].

Moskovskiy Glavnyj Arhiv Ministerstva Inostrannyh Del. Puteshestvie Antiohijskogo

patriarha Makarija v Rossiju v polovine XVІІ veka, opisannoe ego synom arhidiakonom

Pavlom Aleppskim [The travelling of Antiochist Patriarch Macarius to Russia in the middle

of the 17th century, described by his son Archdeacon Pavel Aleppo], Moskva, 1896, P. 22

[in Russian].

Paievskyj V. P. "Mykola zymovyj" [Saint Nicholas of Winter], Umanska zoria [Uman

Star], 1998, 16 Decemder, P. 2 [in Ukrainian].

Lazarenko H. "Ahioantroponimy iak dzherelo tvorennia eklezionimiv XVIII–XX st."

[Agioanroponyms as the source of creating ecclesionyms of the 18 th –20 th centuries],

Vostochnoukraynskyj lynhvystycheskyj sbornyk [East Ukrainian linguistic collection], 2009,

Vol. 13, P. 73 [in Ukrainian].

Skochylias I. Heneralni vizytatsii Kyivskoi unijnoi mytropolii XVII–XVIII stolit: Lvivsko-

Halytsko-Kam'ianetska ieparkhiia [General Visitations of Kyiv Union Metropolitanate in the

XVII-XVIII centuries: Lviv-Galicia-Kamyanets Diocese], Lviv, 2004, Vol. 2, P. 9–10 [in


Smoktij A. "Gorod Uman i Sofievka" [Uman town and Sofievka park], Kievskaja starina

[Kievskaja antiquity], 1882, Vol. І, P. 430 [in Russian].

Ivashhenko V. Istoricheskij ocherk Umani i Caricyna sada (Sofievki) [The

historiographical overview of Uman town and of Tsaritsyn Garden (Sofievka)], Kiev, 1895,

P. 36 [in Russian].

Skazanija o naselennyh mestnostjah Kievskoj gubernii ili statisticheskie, istoricheskie i

cerkovnye zametki o vseh derevnjah, selah, mestechkah i gorodah, v predelah gubernii

nahodjashhihsja, sobral L. Pohilevich [The chronicles about the inhabited localities of the

Kyiv province or the statistical, historical and church notes about all countries, villages,

townships and cities, which are within of the city’s bounds, L. Pokhilevich collected], Kiev,

, P. 281 [in Russian].

Geografichesko-statisticheskij slovar Rossijskoj imperii [Geographical and Statistical

Dictionary of the Russian Empire], Sankt-Peperburg, 1885, Vol. V, P. 317.

Antonov V., Voronov A. Pamjatnaja knizhka Kіevskoj eparhіi [Kiev province memorable

book], Kiev, 1882, P. 175 [in Russian].

Ves Uman na 1911 god [The all Uman for 1911], Uman, 1910, P. 13 Б [in Russian].

Chernyshenko A. "Sviato-Mykolaivskyj sobor" [St. Nicholas Cathedral], Khronika [The

chronicle], 2001, 7 November, P. 2 [in Ukrainian].

Vasylyk O. B. Materialy toponimichnyh ekspedycij (2010–2014) [The materials of the

toponymic expeditions (2010–2014)] [in Ukrainian, unpublished].

Vasylyk O. B. Materialy toponimichnyh ekspedycij (2010–2014) [The materials of the

toponymic expeditions (2010–2014)] [in Ukrainian, unpublished].

Moskovskiy Glavnyj Arhiv Ministerstva Inostrannyh Del. Puteshestvie Antiohijskogo

patriarha Makarija v Rossiju v polovine XVІІ veka, opisannoe ego synom arhidiakonom

Pavlom Aleppskim [The travelling of Antiochist Patriarch Macarius to Russia in the middle

of the 17th century, described by his son Archdeacon Pavel Aleppo], Moskva, 1896, P. 22

[in Russian].

Zapiski Veroniki Krebs [The notes of Veronikа Krebs], Haidamatskyi rukh na

Umanshchyni. Koliivshchyna 1768 roku [The movement of haydamaks in Uman rigion.

Koliivschyna of 1768], Kyiv, 2002, P. 10 [in Russian].

Arhiv Jugo-Zapadnoj Rossii, izdavaemyj vremennoj komissieju dlja razbora drevnih aktov,

vysochajshe uchrezhdennuju pri Kievskom voennom, Podolskom i Volynskom general-

gubernatore [Archive of South-West Russia], 1859–1914, Vol. ІІІ, P. 742 [in Russian].

Skalkovskij A. Naezdy gajdamak na Zapadnuju Ukrainu. 1755–1768 [Haydamak raids to

Western Ukraine], Odessa, 1845, P. 218 [in Russian].

Skazanija o naselennyh mestnostjah Kievskoj gubernii ili statisticheskie, istoricheskie i

cerkovnye zametki o vseh derevnjah, selah, mestechkah i gorodah, v predelah gubernii

nahodjashhihsja, sobral L. Pohilevich [The chronicles about the inhabited localities of the

Kyiv province or the statistical, historical and church notes about all countries, villages,

townships and cities, which are within of the city’s bounds, L. Pokhilevich collected], Kiev,

, P. 279 [in Russian].

Smoktij A. "Gorod Uman i Sofievka" [Uman town and Sofievka park], Kievskaja starina

[Kievskaja antiquity], 1882, Vol. І, P. 430 [in Russian].

Skazanija o naselennyh mestnostjah Kievskoj gubernii ili statisticheskie, istoricheskie i

cerkovnye zametki o vseh derevnjah, selah, mestechkah i gorodah, v predelah gubernii

nahodjashhihsja, sobral L. Pohilevich [The chronicles about the inhabited localities of the

Kyiv province or the statistical, historical and church notes about all countries, villages,

townships and cities, which are within of the city’s bounds, L. Pokhilevich collected], Kiev,

, P. 281 [in Russian].

Kyslashko O. P. Pravoslavni sviata ta narodni zvychai [Orthodox holidays and customs],

Кyiv, 2003, P. 60 [in Ukrainian].

Adres-kalendar gor. Umani (s istoricheskim ocherkom i planom) na 1904 god [The

address-calendar of Uman town (with the historical documentary and plan) for 1904], 1903,

P. 31 [in Russian].

Adres-kalendar gor. Umani (s istoricheskim ocherkom i planom) na 1904 god [The

address-calendar of Uman town (with the historical documentary and plan) for 1904], 1903,

P. 42 [in Russian].

DAChO, fund P-5624, register 1, archiving 87, plate 10.

Vasylyk O. B. Materialy toponimichnyh ekspedycij (2010–2014) [The materials of the

toponymic expeditions (2010–2014)] [in Ukrainian].

Antonov V., Voronov A. Pamjatnaja knizhka Kіevskoj eparhіi [Kiev province memorable

book], Kiev, 1882, P. 175–191 [in Russian].

Skazanija o naselennyh mestnostjah Kievskoj gubernii ili statisticheskie, istoricheskie i

cerkovnye zametki o vseh derevnjah, selah, mestechkah i gorodah, v predelah gubernii

nahodjashhihsja, sobral L. Pohilevich [The chronicles about the inhabited localities of the

Kyiv province or the statistical, historical and church notes about all countries, villages,

townships and cities, which are within of the city’s bounds, L. Pokhilevich collected], Kiev,

, P. 281 [in Russian].


